~ Urbana Daily Courier ~
Monday, March 8, 1915
~Police Search Home Of Two~
Look for Liquor at Lamberts and Boleys
Nothing of Incriminating Nature Found at Either Place-Visits Made Following Accident to Mrs Schloff at Boley's Home
Mrs Ida Schloff fell off the piano stool and broke her left wrist in two places besides dislocating the joint while trying to master the intricacies of " The International Rag " at the home of her brother Jack Boley, on Hutson street Saturday night.
A report of the accident together with one that booze had flowed rather freely at the Boley home that evening also a tip that Porter Lambert living the first door next of Boleys place had received a barrel of bottled beer and a gallon of whiskey led the police on an accent of " Criminal Hill " Sunday afternoon.
Lamberts place was visited first,Chief of police Jeffers and officer Gleason searched the home from celler to attic but found no contraband with the exception of twenty one pints of beer and two pints of whiskey. Lambert invited the search and furnished a ladder for the others to look in the attic. He denied that he had received beer and whiskey as Chief Jeffers had been informed and was not further molested.
Boley met the officers on his front porch and demanded to know if they had a search warrent,they did not. He refused to permit them to enter unless they revealed the name of the person that informed on him. Chief Jeffers refused and informed Boley that the best way to place himself beyond suspicion was to let them go through the place he then acquiesced and they made a through search but found nothing.
On the way back to town the officers visited the city dump yard and found that custodian Barnie Wolf was keeping things in exceeding condition. One surprising discovery was a great pile of several hundreds of empty beer bottles among the refuse. Some were heeped up on the ground and others were in the barrels in which they had been shipped when filled. Wolf has been selling the bottles but states that there has been no market for them during the past three months. The natural conclusion of some would be that the empties came from bootlegging joints, but such is not the case according to the officers. they are from the homes of people who can afford to forfeit the rebate of 2.75 due them for the return of each barrel of empties and who prefer to throw that much away by ----the bottles rather then bother with returning them to the brewery. One ordinarily would not seek a dump yard for educational attaiment but the pile of bottles holds considerable enlightenment for the unsophisticated.
~ Urbana Daily Courier ~
Wednesday, July 28, 1915
Sheriff Informed of Seven Joints on Hudson Street
ACTION IS URGED BY WRITER From fifteen to twenty barrels of Beer delivered to neighborhood north of Big Four each week-Police are scored
As nearly everyone knows Criminal Hill is that portion of the city lying north of the Big Four shops so dubbed by the police becuase a big majority of the calls come from its inhabitants. There are some Law abiding people living in that neighborhood whose property values have depreciated becuase of the unsavory reputation of the hill since a general influz of the lawless element a year or two back, and it is doubtless one of the former who wrote the following unanimous communication, just received by sheriff Evens:
Urbana ILL, July 27 , 1915- Sheriff Evans, Dear Sir: Please take some interest in this part of town known as Criminal Hill, as what few respectable families that live out here are getting tired of having the night made hideous with drunken brawls,
There are from 13 to 23 barrels of beer taken out this way every week. When the police are notified they send word they are coming so they can have time to get their goods out of sight
there are seven bootlegging joints on Hudson street and two on park street.Some keep thier goods in attics and chicken houses and barns. Beer is hauled from 6 o'clock in the evening to midnight and drunks are rather numerous at all times, especially nighttime.
The police failing to realize their position as servants of the people I appeal to you to see that this is stopped.
" Yours for a better elt"
ELT:Enforcement of Laws and Treaties